Aromatherapy for Depression

Poppy Life Care
4 min readFeb 15, 2022

By C. B. Fosbrink

Picture it, that calming feeling of a stress-free environment. With our busy lifestyles, it seems that this is unachievable with the hustle and bustle of work and family. Did you know that 16 million Americans deal with some sort of Depression from major depression to seasonal affective disorder? Depression is a serious medical condition with symptoms such as loss of energy, difficulty concentrating, suicidal thoughts or just feeling…blah. It can be a constant struggle.

Aromatherapy can be a powerful way to help increase relaxation in your life. In a study in 2017, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that both men and women benefited through treatments of massage and inhalation of essential oils (Adams, 2021). These methods showed that depression and anxiety significantly improved. The study determined that lavender and sandalwood provided the most relief to calm anxiety and help improve sleep. Bergamot oil is another antidepressant oil because of how stimulating it is.

Aromatherapy at Home

If you are like me, you may not have access to a masseuse twenty-four hours a day, but we can experience the use of essential oils, safely in the privacy of our homes?

First step…buy the product. You can find oils, sprays, bath bombs, bath salts and creams to help aide in your relaxation. Choose the product and scent that appeals to you the most. Next, choose the method. How will you create your aromatherapy experience? Try these suggestions.

· Air freshener/room spray — Rather than using a commercial air freshener, try spraying a scent into the air that will lift your mood. Spray before leaving the house for the day; when returning from a busy day at work, you will feel revitalized when you walk through the door. I wouldn’t suggest over spraying because of the potency of some smells.

· Hair products — When perusing the shelves for a shampoo/conditioner, look for a calming scented product that you breath in while in the shower. The heat intensifies the scent to make is stronger.

· Bath Bombs — Bath bombs are very popular in stores, but the key that I have found is that you have to look for a safe product that is hypoallergenic. I would not suggest buying just any bath bomb product, as I did this and broke out all over my body. Do your research or make your own, that way you have just the right scent and what ingredients are present. Another hint about bath bombs, try using it in the shower. Place the bomb over the drain and run the water. While standing over the bomb, the scent fuses through the air. This is quite relaxing.

· Pillow Sprays- Before laying head to pillow, hoping for a good night’s rest, try spraying a little essential oil on your pillow. Lavender or chamomile are deemed relaxing scents by the National Sleep foundation as it helps slow the nervous system down, improving sleep quality.

If you are interested in creating your own Aromatherapy Recipes, check out which provides a plethora of recipes on creating perfumes to bed linen sprays and more.

Two products that I use most often are Native CBD Bath Bombs, specifically in the shower, and Fresh Air Menthol & Peppermint at bedtime. The Native CBD Bath Bombs are amazing as a relaxation aromatherapy option for me. The scent is just right, it melts at a warm temperature and helps me to fall sleep easier. The Fresh Air Menthol & Peppermint oil is similar to what massage therapists use at day spas. Right before bed, I sprinkle a few drops of the oil in my hands, rub my hands together and breath it in through my nose. Not only does it help with relaxation, but it helps with clogged sinuses.

Please bear in mind that I am not a medical or psychiatric practitioner, please contact your doctor if you are struggling with depression. Don’t forget that Poppy Life Care offers several holistic opportunities that adults, parents, and children can experience such as yoga and mindfulness. We support your journey to better health.

Adams, C. (2021). Aromatherapy Provide to fight Depression. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [Online]. (2013,2011) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC (producer).

Robbins, W. (2021). Aromatherapy for Depression. Retrieved from



Poppy Life Care

Connecting brain health, psychiatry & holistic healing. Serving families and individuals living w/ ADHD, autism, anxiety & depression.